Our flexible off-grid solar energy system for industrial, emergency, & rural applications

Remote Power Solution

Our Remote Power Solution is a highly mobile, compact and flexible off-grid solar energy system for any remote power requirement such as festivals, construction sites, oil field installations, micro-grid applications, mining operations, and emergency response.

Features & capabilities

24/7 Reliable Power At any location

  • Instant power generation

  • Customizable to any requirement

  • External AC outlets

  • Remote control and monitoring

Compact all-in-one solution

  • Flexible & easy array set up

  • Quiet, automated operation

  • Lockable & secure

  • Quick & user-friendly interconnection

  • Remote site monitoring

Measurable Emissions & Cost savings

  • Significant GHG emission savings

  • Significant fuel and maintenance cost savings

  • Suitable for LEED construction

Book Remote Power Today

To power your project with our Remote Power Solution, get in touch! We will get back to you with more information and availability.